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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Blog # 20 : Season to be jolly! (Speech Choir)

“ ‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la! “

            Indeed, it has been the season (or the day) to be jolly besides having being a bit pressured on the Speech Choir competition. Six blocks, three places, one champion. The trophies are the apple of the eyes of each block, especially the championship trophy that even I would want my block to have that. Well I have to be honest we’re “half-baked” for the competition.

            After weeks of practice, my observation is some of our classmates don’t take this seriously and we didn’t think deep enough because we’re given I think two months of preparation and we only did it for three weeks. It’s quite a rush because we’re also reaching for the requirements of different subjects. It’s an undercover pressure for each and everyone.

            During the competition, we were the first group to perform. The thought of being in front of the stage “half-baked”, we’re like freaking out on this. But once we’re up on stage, the pressure was gone and we give our all. Then the rest of the day, we just watched the other perform their speech choir (I have to be honest, the other blocks does their performance better, literally.), ignite speech, and an enjoyable game.

            Although we’re “half-baked”, we still managed to step on the second-runner up.  The Marketing and Advertising 151 reached first runner-up, and Business and Management 151 reached the championship trophy. We all did our efforts at the end of the day.
            The winners of the inter-class speech competition was mentioned, two of our classmates reached second-runner up and champion. The ignite speech, our classmate reached third runner up.
            If you would ask for an epilogue, my friends and I exchanged gifts and bade good-by.

            If you would notice that I’m too lazy to mention names, it’s not that I hate them, I just got the chill to the season that’s all!

Blog # 19 : Hot Diggity Dog! (Inter-class Speech Competition)

“I’m in the room with the other nine contestants. Two judges came in the room. I felt the pressure inside the room, and I think I need a hotdog.”

            If you would ask me to describe my experience about the Inter-class speech competition, I would describe my experience to a hotdog. Its either you’re buns are ready but your hotdog is still cold inside, or you’re a perfect piece of hotdog that a person would take a blissful bite. I have to be honest I don’t have the experience speaking in front of a very large crowd, and testing my abilities if you’re the “perfect hotdog.”

            I have the feeling that people would stare into your soul. I don’t why I felt that way that very time. No matter how many times I memorize my speech, I ended up having a mental blackout. I hate being pressured to be honest it’s like juggling knives without having the experience of doing so in front of a large crowd. To avoid the feeling of pressure, I imagine things like I would walk under the sunshine, or simply end the elimination round early.
            All of us contestants went back to the room for the results. When I didn’t hear my name, the feeling is like having a long, good shower after a week of no bath. Although it’s weird of me to celebrate but I know I didn’t made myself through so my dad would be proud of me. Well I believe that the contestant gave their all but it’s the elimination, so some of us are not in.
            I am one of the cold-centered hotdog. I am not ready to be “eaten” by people yet. The experience was really memorable but I know I lack one thing only, and that is confidence. This Inter-class speech competition does give me a lesson and a reminder of improvement. It was a blast, really.
            After the competition, they said that the results would be announced on the next day. Man, what a cliffhanger! I guess I’m going to buy hotdog and predict on who will win the competition.

For now, have this One Punch Dog.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blog # 18 : Plagiarism

Copy, paste, then you're done!

                           We tend to get lazy when it comes to our assignments, reports, project, and other requirements in school. But are you even aware that the simple copy + paste routine is against the law? Why? Because you're doing the act of plagiarism.

                       Plagiarism means you're "copying" or "stealing" someone else's ideas without the permission of the author. The words "copying" and "stealing" can lead to a serious offense though because you disregard the protection or copyright of the ideas of the author. There are many ways on how the plagiarism is committed but I will give three ways only:

1. Turning someone else's work as your own

                   It's their work, not yours. You can't just simply going to copy paste everything what the author has written on a specific topic and tell the readers that it's your fresh idea. The author can file a case on you once the author reads your "work"

2. Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

                   This is what students often to do. If they can't copy + paste everything, why not change some of the words and presto! New and fresh idea! But if the author reads your work, he/she may be doubtful and may investigate between your work and the author's. Then again, the author can file a case on you once the author reads you work.

3. Failing to put quotation in quotation marks

                    We all know know the quotation marks is just a symbol but we should be aware that it's not just a "symbol." The reason why there is quotation mark it's because we are acknowledging the person who said that famous phrase. Failure to give importance of the quotation can lead to plagiarism.

                   We don't want to go to jail early, so it's best for us to give credit and show the source of the ideas. We should be aware that plagiarism happens almost every second of the day. Let's avoid plagiarism.

Resource: http://www.plagiarism.org/plagiarism-101/what-is-plagiarism/

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blog # 17: Speak Up!

Speaking in front is not an easy task.
                           Its was lazy Friday on that very day, a competition for high school of various schools. I was there, sitting for four hours, mostly waiting but astonished by the speaking talents of the young students. I told myself "When I was in that age, I'm still shy to speak in front!" How amazing it is to watch the students speaking in front as if they're already experienced!

                               I have to say, some of their speeches touched my heart. I remember some of the stories. The hotdog guy, the girl who slashed her wrist, the I-almost-died-when-I-was-born boy, the dumped-after-the-prom guy, and the at-home guy. Although some of the speeches of the others were a bit off (especially dead airs), but the content of their speech is one of a kind. It really touched me as in my heart is racing. It gave me full attention, and I praise them by applauding.

                                The activities of the program was quite fun. The debate and the transition challenge is really fun. I told myself "I want to be in front and experience!" But of course, the shy me took over. I didn't go up the stage, instead, I watch my classmates do their thing over there. Oh the excitement was there! Quite enjoyable.

                            The overall program is something memorable for a speaking club. Well, I have to admit, I really enjoyed the program even though I spent half of the time getting bored. It's hard to catch the audience attention, but you have to speak out and let your voice be heard!

P.S. The inter-class competition is up next, and I am very, very, VERY nervous about it! (Because I'm one of the chosen and I want to back out for some reason. But I can't.)


Blog# 16: Keep your Eyes and Mind open

We can be the master, the captain, or the superior. But are we aware what's happening?
                              On a hazy Wednesday, my professor in Grammar and Communications is absent. I thought I can leave to sleep again, but I was wrong. I attended a seminar together with my four other classmates (which its a must.) The topic of the seminar is about social media awareness. As expected, its all about do's and don't's on what to post in the world of the internet. What caught my attention, is the dark side of the internet.

                              Oh, reality! You've been quite a pain in the rear at many times. It can be in personal, but mostly in the world of the internet. Sometimes internet is annoying. Why? Since everyone is the "star" of the show, they can post whatever they want. They don't care who doesn't give a fudge about their posts and someday be famous in a matter of a day or two. I just simply don't know why do they have to do silly stuff (like procrastinating in front of the computer, or telling the world wide web that they don't have the right to bash them) just to be famous. Are they desperate? Looking for attention? If you take off you clothes, you will be noticed by millions of people? This is not the correct way of changing your life. Stay out of the computer for sometime and have a quality time with your loved ones.

                          Since you can literally post anything in the world of social media, besides seeing nothing but trash all day, you can see different opinions about the politics, world, happening etc. What's unique about posting opinions? Brainwashing the readers. After reading the posts, false opinions may spread in reality. Confusion spreads between what's right and wrong. Having false opinions can result to a fight, a bad war. They want peace? Stick to what's right, and that is books, newspaper, and television news.

                             Being famous is natural to the human kind. It's common and something "to die for." But aren't we aware of the other important things that we should be keeping an eye to? Yes, we do admire the stars entertaining us, but we should know what's happening to our brothers and sisters around the world.  It's sad that people praise what's trending rather than share what's good and what's to be aware of. I have to admit, humans are stupid animals. They laugh at people having pain, despise and discriminate a race, and praise the illiterate of internet. Are we that stupid? Or we're just avoiding reality?

                             We may start a revolution but may end up a war. One post may change everything, including your own life. You can brainwash or help people. The internet is a strong source of a medium. If we overpower it, it can go out of control, and also might start a World War III. Let's be cautious in our own words. Most importantly, let's be cautious in our surroundings.


Blog # 15: F. Sionil Jose

"I write to please myself - of course, that is a given. But beyond this reach for pleasure, I know that I write for my country men, that they may be lifted from apathy and ignorance. I write because of a compulsion to make something out of the nothing. That is my own life" - F. Sionil Jose

                                F. Sionil Jose ( Francisco Sionil Jose) is a fictionist who was was born in December 3, 1924 in Rosales, Pangasinan. He is a son of Antonio  Jose, an Aglipayan minister, and Sophia Sionil, and he is married to Maria Teresa Jovellanos with seven children. When he was young, he had to help in supporting his family by raising hogs and working as a farm laborer. While he is working for his family, his mother encouraged him to love books. Jose started writing in grade school. In his 5th grade, one of Jose's teacher opened up a school library, and Jose managed to read  Jose Rizal's "Noli Me Tangere", Willa Carter's "My Antonia" and others.

                               He studied grade school in Rosales Elementary School, high school in Far Eastern University High School, and took pre-medicine in Manila College of Pharmacy and Dentistry, then to University of Santo Tomas, but shifted to Liberal Arts after World War II. During his college years, he became an editor-in-chief in the university paper "The Varsitarian." In 1947, he joined the staff of Commonwealth, a Catholic magazine. He went to work with the United States Information Service (USIS) as assistant editor. He worked there from 1948 to 1949. Later on, he became managing editor of the Sunday Times Magazine from 1957 - 1960, editor of Comment, and managing editor of Hong Kong-based Asia Magazine.He founded the Philippine Chapter of Poets, Playwrights, Essayist, Novelists (PEN) International Organization in 1958.

                                 After working briefly in Sri Lanka as information officer for the Colombo Plan Bureau, he returned to Philippines in 1965 and set up t Solidaridad Publishing House  as became a publisher, and Solidaridad Bookshop Ermita, Manila, together with his wife. In 1962, Jose has been a professional lecturer in Arellano University, De La Salle University, and University of the East. He was also a  writer-in-residence at the National University of Singapore, a visiting researcher at Kyoto University's Center for Southeast Asian Studies, in Japan, and a consultant for the Department of Agrarian Reform.

                               F. Sionil Jose created different novels, essays, short stories, and verses.His works was translated into several languages like Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Dutch, Indonesian, and Ilocano. He wrote the best of all his works, The Pretenders (1962). With his works he has various awards and he is known now as the National Artist for Literature in 2001.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blog # 14 ; Research # 1 : Climate Change

             Notice such scorching heat, unconditional weather change, heavy storms, and untimely El Niño and La Niña? We people didn’t mind one of these but we should be aware on what is happening to our environment and possible consequences without further care. Having these devastating events can have a major catastrophe to our lifestyle and needs. Ultimately, this may cause an early destruction to mankind. Earth may no longer be habitable to any living creatures, and it’s all because of climate change. Why do we have Climate change?

                First is thinning of the ozone layer. Ozone layer is an “invisible wall” to reduce the heat waves of the Sun. Each year, the ozone layer is slowly depleting due to air pollution, specifically puffing engine smoke and cigarette smoke, using products with CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), and burning of rubbers and plastics. Most industrialized countries, Like America and China, produces a lot of air pollution because of factories and heavy traffics, and uses a lot of CFC products. If our ozone layer continues to reduce its thin wall, heat will slowly raise, icebergs melt and water rises in a great amount, possible to have either a super typhoon or a tsunami that can engulf a small country, and people may die due to too much absorption of Ultraviolet rays.

                Last is the changing of greenhouse effect. The “Greenhouse effect” is a mixture of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and Water vapor (H2O). Certain gas in the atmosphere blocks the heat from escaping. Human activities such as burning of fossil fuels like coal or oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse can result warmer temperature, resulting to a global warming, and unpredictable climate patterns.

                We can lessen our carbon emissions in many ways like use an organic product, avoid using plastics, walk or ride a bike instead of driving a car, and the alike. We are living in a fragile planet with living creatures. Our world is in danger, and so are we and the future generation.
