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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blog# 16: Keep your Eyes and Mind open

We can be the master, the captain, or the superior. But are we aware what's happening?
                              On a hazy Wednesday, my professor in Grammar and Communications is absent. I thought I can leave to sleep again, but I was wrong. I attended a seminar together with my four other classmates (which its a must.) The topic of the seminar is about social media awareness. As expected, its all about do's and don't's on what to post in the world of the internet. What caught my attention, is the dark side of the internet.

                              Oh, reality! You've been quite a pain in the rear at many times. It can be in personal, but mostly in the world of the internet. Sometimes internet is annoying. Why? Since everyone is the "star" of the show, they can post whatever they want. They don't care who doesn't give a fudge about their posts and someday be famous in a matter of a day or two. I just simply don't know why do they have to do silly stuff (like procrastinating in front of the computer, or telling the world wide web that they don't have the right to bash them) just to be famous. Are they desperate? Looking for attention? If you take off you clothes, you will be noticed by millions of people? This is not the correct way of changing your life. Stay out of the computer for sometime and have a quality time with your loved ones.

                          Since you can literally post anything in the world of social media, besides seeing nothing but trash all day, you can see different opinions about the politics, world, happening etc. What's unique about posting opinions? Brainwashing the readers. After reading the posts, false opinions may spread in reality. Confusion spreads between what's right and wrong. Having false opinions can result to a fight, a bad war. They want peace? Stick to what's right, and that is books, newspaper, and television news.

                             Being famous is natural to the human kind. It's common and something "to die for." But aren't we aware of the other important things that we should be keeping an eye to? Yes, we do admire the stars entertaining us, but we should know what's happening to our brothers and sisters around the world.  It's sad that people praise what's trending rather than share what's good and what's to be aware of. I have to admit, humans are stupid animals. They laugh at people having pain, despise and discriminate a race, and praise the illiterate of internet. Are we that stupid? Or we're just avoiding reality?

                             We may start a revolution but may end up a war. One post may change everything, including your own life. You can brainwash or help people. The internet is a strong source of a medium. If we overpower it, it can go out of control, and also might start a World War III. Let's be cautious in our own words. Most importantly, let's be cautious in our surroundings.


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