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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blog # 14 ; Research # 1 : Climate Change

             Notice such scorching heat, unconditional weather change, heavy storms, and untimely El Niño and La Niña? We people didn’t mind one of these but we should be aware on what is happening to our environment and possible consequences without further care. Having these devastating events can have a major catastrophe to our lifestyle and needs. Ultimately, this may cause an early destruction to mankind. Earth may no longer be habitable to any living creatures, and it’s all because of climate change. Why do we have Climate change?

                First is thinning of the ozone layer. Ozone layer is an “invisible wall” to reduce the heat waves of the Sun. Each year, the ozone layer is slowly depleting due to air pollution, specifically puffing engine smoke and cigarette smoke, using products with CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), and burning of rubbers and plastics. Most industrialized countries, Like America and China, produces a lot of air pollution because of factories and heavy traffics, and uses a lot of CFC products. If our ozone layer continues to reduce its thin wall, heat will slowly raise, icebergs melt and water rises in a great amount, possible to have either a super typhoon or a tsunami that can engulf a small country, and people may die due to too much absorption of Ultraviolet rays.

                Last is the changing of greenhouse effect. The “Greenhouse effect” is a mixture of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and Water vapor (H2O). Certain gas in the atmosphere blocks the heat from escaping. Human activities such as burning of fossil fuels like coal or oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse can result warmer temperature, resulting to a global warming, and unpredictable climate patterns.

                We can lessen our carbon emissions in many ways like use an organic product, avoid using plastics, walk or ride a bike instead of driving a car, and the alike. We are living in a fragile planet with living creatures. Our world is in danger, and so are we and the future generation.


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