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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blog # 13 : Alfredo Salazar (From the Short Story "Dead Stars")

I am Alfredo Salazar.
I am a professional lawyer, and a confused lover.

                    There are times that I am indecisive with my actions and feelings. I want things to happen in my way, leading to happy endings. I can be honest or dishonest at times but I am straight through when I know what is right and wrong for me. You can call me selfish, but I know what I am doing in my life because I believe in my thoughts and feelings for what are right to me and I can take consequences if I made the wrong choice.

        I am engaged with Esperanza. My sister, Carmen, chose her for me.  At first it was hard to love someone who thinks the person is perfect for you. As time goes by, I fell in love to Esperanza. We’ve been together for a year now. My sister plans to take it to the next level, and that is marriage. 

             My father and I go to the judge’s house for some “business.” As I approach the door, I thought this is the judge’s wife. As this fine lady corrected me, it was the judge’s sister-in-law, named Julia Sales. Believe me I am struck with her fine words and graceful attitude.

                How could I explain this…? When I became friends with Julia and our souls slowly come close, it’s like a bloom inside my chest. A light glow shines upon my heart, feeling that you finally found the lost piece of your heart. Every time I see her, my heart skipped a beat. I always find a way to go to her and try my best not be nervous whenever I am close to hear. Seeing her smile and hearing her laughter makes up my day. She simply completes me.

                When I came home after the Holy Sunday, I saw Esperanza sitting down of a sofa. It seems that I am in trouble. She thinks that I am having an affair with someone else. I have to defend myself, so I told her what I truly feel, and I don’t love her anymore. Yes it does hurt emotionally, spiritually, and mentally to me, especially to Esperanza, but I have to be true to myself. I don’t want to lie to her anymore. After having an argument she decided to let me go, giving me my “freedom.”

                I sailed on a boat to attend an important business. I’m supposed to be in Sta. Cruz for the hearing between the rebels and the government. When a guard told me that it will take a little longer, I decided to stroll around the streets after landing on a small village. To be honest, I can’t stop thinking of Julia. I want to see her once more. As I go further, I saw her, looking outside the window.

                We had our small talk. But that small talk may be our last. I have to sail away. I have to say good-by. I have to let go and continue my journey as a lawyer and a confused lover. But I prayed to the stars that we shall collide once again when the right time comes. Who knows what is truly fated to me.

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