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Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog # 10 : Inhale, Exhale

I admit. I'm a smoker. A second-hand smoker.
To be really honest, I didn't attend the anti-smoking campaign. I'm going to put my opinions about smoking.

                    And probably you guys know what a second-hand smoke is. If you don't, here's a simple explanation: Inhaling smoker's smoke. You're not smoking the smoker's cigar. Why you ask? Imagine, you're talking or even eating beside that person, he/she will just puff the smoke beside you, but not directly of course. And it also happen almost everyday. You always see the same person puffing. Nearly impossible to avoid inhaling the smoker's smoke. But aren't you feeling worried to the person?

                  I understand why people smoke. To get away with problems. To relieve the stress. I know it sounds really vague but you have to understand. Besides understanding, you have to warn. We all got concerns, especially if your loved ones are the ones who smokes a lot.

                Yes. I am very aware the consequences in smoking that even second-hand smokers can have an equal or more than the consequences than the first-hand smokers (the one who really smokes.) I'm also afraid that my dad may die due to lung cancer. I want to point out for those who started smoking and who continued chain smoking to stop this kind of habit. You know the risks, why want it to happen early? You're just wasting your money just for a pack of cigarettes rather than to save it for your future. Think about it. Think large. Don't stress yourself and smoke it away. You'll pay twice or twice on your hospital bills rather than your one month supply of cigarettes.

                    For the ladies and gents who smokes a lot, stop. Just stop. Please. It's for your health not mine. Would you want to risk yourself just because of a petty problem? Or you just wanted it to make it worse without even noticing it. You don't want to end up in a hospital bed, would you?


Blog #9: Fun Time in SoM Week!

Let's go SoA-- Er... SoM!

Seriously. I'll probably never get used to saying SoM.

                   Hail for the School of Management, formerly called the School of Accountancy and Business! You guys might think that this department is full of head exploding courses and does nothing but eye-widening paper works, and body-aching management. Well, you're probably right. But we SoA-- Er... SoM got the funk! We can still prove that we still have the crazy fun inside our soul for the relief after all the head-exploding studies!

                The first day of SoM week? How should I start this. Well, we paraded, or should I say, walked half of the Brgy. Magallanes. The scorching heat poking to my skin really annoys me and the boredom slowly striking through as I felt weak and tired. After all that marching, we watched an opening remark, a cheer, and a dance (with cute boys!) and basically left after the program. Yeah, that's it.

                   The rest of the week? I can barely say it was "enjoyable." I mean, on the second day we were scolded by our Public Speaking II teacher for coming late. Beast mode, really. Scary too. The next few days of SoM week, I watched a volleyball match. My classmates are going wild to a player who is also our classmate. We kept on shouting "Go Eva! Dalang dala mo ung team!" Seminar and mass was also part of the week. I was amused that the JPIA required us to bring a pen and a notebook for donation.

                   After all the back-breaking days of lessons, quizzes, and activities, SoM week is very enjoyable. And I'm looking forward to next year's SoM week!.

                    P.S. I'm waiting for the lanyard and T-shirt of JPIA. I'm quite impatient yet excited at the same time!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog # 8:Twisted Fate (All About Parasyte - the Maxim - : Live Action Movie)

An anime turned into a live action movie!
            I was quite happy and excited when my teacher in English Enhancement Program I (the same teacher I had in Philippine Literature I) got the live action movie of Parasyte - the Maxim - ! I haven't watched the anime in full yet but I bet the movie itself gave me such spoilers and all. Doesn't matter, at least it got me good!

                An ordinary boy with an ordinary life with such extraordinary parasite that made the rest of his life... Extraordinary. Meet Shinichi Izumi, an ordinary school boy, with a parasite as his partner. Crazy right? How do I start this? There was a "something" landed on the waters of Japan. Infestations of this extraterrestrial parasite crawling all over Japan. What's weird and interesting to this certain parasite is that they really have an objective, and that is to manipulate a person by eating the host's brain and basically take over the world. But wait, in this picture, there is a weird alienated hand in him? What the fudge happen? The parasite didn't enter in his brain. Just his hand. That's where his screwed adventure begins.

               Miraculously, this parasite seems to give no harm. Instead, he's given such strength. Unlike other people, who's been affected by the parasite, are acting like a crazed zombie. Also, these parasites are fast learners! These things are quite interesting you know. Besides being a fast learner, they're somehow brutal. They would just simply kill a person just for food. Ugh. Disgusting to look at. Really into gore.

             Would you imagine, just a parasite, would change your life? It turns you into a different person. You became a bit cold to others, a bit straight forward, and a bit of... Different. You're not who you are anymore. But you know what you're doing. You want to eliminate other people who are infected by that parasite with the help of your parasite. Crazy yet very meaningful. Tells about life. Life is short. Simple as that.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Blog # 7: Fated to Love You (All about the Movie : "Turn Left, Turn Right")

Destiny awaits!
                    As said by majority, "Love can wait." and this movie proves it all! Imagine, that your fated someone is just around the corner, and almost everywhere you go, you get to be with him but only unconsciously? Truly, love is in the air! A story of fate, faith, jealously, destiny, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

                      The musician and the journalist reunited at a small pond where the journalist's translated poem was blown away and landed on the water. The musician saw it helped the journalist collect the paper. Then they started having this conversation that gave both of them got the coincidence. They asked each other's number, and forever exist! They are fated to love each other! But what kind of conflict awaits them?

                     When both of them suffer the symptoms of pneumonia, they both ordered the same dish at the same restaurant. The waitress gave their orders, and the girl suddenly fell in love with the musician. The waitress does her best to avoid the journalist to meet the musician once more. When the musician called for a hospital rescue, the rescue took the journalist instead. When the journalist's doctor inspected her, the doctor remembered her in a foreign language class. He said that he had his love at first sight in the first crazy day. Both the doctor and the waitress tries to avoid the two to meet after they knew that the journalist and the musician are destined to be each other.

                        When the doctor and the waitress send a package of picture for both journalist and musician, they're betting if they the two couples would return to them, then they are not fated for each other. As the journalist got an job to an international press, and the musician got the spot for an international orchestra. When they will try to repeat the number that were given to them, they exchanged calls, they finally answered but only via recorder. After hearing the recorder, they went out to see each other. At the end, they saw each other and got married. Horray!

                       You see, there really is forever! No bitterness shall overwhelm to the power of love! Someday, you might meet that special someone of yours!


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog # 6: An Open Letter for the Layered (This is not a negative Letter)

Dear Ching,

                  I know you're feeling lonely because people don't want to be near with your weirdness and uncanny lust for food. I know you're feeling confused because your other friends tend to despise behind your back and leave you alone for the sake of being "cool." I know you're bashful when it comes to people around you, the feeling you are not belong. Anxiety and depression rolled into you every time the crowd would stare into your soul and almost telling you to get out of the society. Hear me out, young one! I have the same feelings with you up until now. You are not alone. You are different, and that what's make you special.

                    I know you're giving your effort to gain friends, to be a good person to everyone, to avoid people from criticizing you, and more importantly, to understand who you are. They should know that we thick-skinned people have a thin layer of heart. People should see through what and why have we become. Yes, they can tell that we're unaware of ourselves in terms of health and lifestyle, what do they know about us to discriminate us? This is the sad truth ladies and gentlemen. People are too cold to understand not only we thick-skinned people, but for to the other races and color.

                  Let me tell you a little story. When I was in grade school, the whole years compose nothing but depression. Why? People don't like me. I tried to be very nice to them and look what they told me at the end? "You're doing this because you're just a fool and we'll just use you anyway you weirdo." This is the moment I did not forget, so I told myself this: "I swear to God when I'm going to my high school and college years, you'll be soo sorry!" I tried going near to people, show what I can do, and for the very first time I had a friend, and we're best friends up until you know it. I started gaining new friends, learning new cultures, respecting strangers, understanding the losers, and inspiring the weak. Even though there are times that people left me alone and I cry silently, I told myself this afterwards: "Don't worry, I'll be a better person tomorrow."

                  NEVER LET THE PEOPLE STRANGLE YOU FROM WHO YOU ARE! Who cares if someone said to you that "You are what you eat," or "You'll going to have a bad future with that size!" You are the master of your own fate and the captain of your soul, and you can do whatever it takes to take them down and prove that you are you, the better you, the smarter you, the kinder you, and most importantly, the more awesome you! Never let people pull you out of your dreams! Who are they to judge us? Keep in mind that they're just finding a way to get a full attention to the audience and feel like they're soo cool and perfect. Keep in mind that we're all different and we should respect that difference. And also, keep in mind that God treated us equally so we should love everyone no matter who we are.

                     Ching, I hope you're alright now. I hope you're inspired. What are you waiting for? Make a change! I'll see you in the happy life!

Taba (Fat)


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Blog # 5: The Bald Spot (All about the play: "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo")

" "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo?" This sounds like a good, and funny play for me. "
                     I told myself this, and I am correct! It is a good, funny, AND enjoyable play ever. I thought, at first, the beginning will be a blast, like crazy musical number or whatnot. Also, it's a play with funny scenes with sense of good direction (by means of no random out-of-the topic/question conversations.) When the director said that there's a deep and hidden meaning in this absurd play, I pondered to myself "Really? Well it's hard to find a lesson in an absurd play, but I'll give it a shot." After the play, I went home and tried to recall the play then think of what kind of message she was reffering. While listening to a Deemo playlist (It's a rhythm game, major in piano. My favorite collection 1A and 1B, link will be provided on the end of the post if interested,) I thought deep, and there are few things that sparked up my mind and nearly answered the question "Why is the play titled "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo?.

                  First, the story itself. Humor aside, it's just a typical home with random thingamagigs happening in the house. Stories, amnesia (between Mr. and Mrs. Reyes), temptation, and others. But that typical home has a deeper meaning in my perspective. This reflect the natural routine of an ordinary neighborhood in the Philippines. "Sharing" different kinds of grapevines to each and every neighborhood that may hurt the feelings of the person, having such high standards even though they're poor in the family, judging the person, thinking that the one who's judging is perfect. Did you notice the conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Santos in the beginning of the play? For me, this shows that they're not a happy couple at all, they're just forced to understand each other to be exact. What they're sharing to each other? It's just a test that if they really care on a certain person/topic, in short, testing of the person is what the people used to say "Plastic."  Some couple huh?

                          Second, the surnames of "Reyes," and "Santos." According to research, the surname "Reyes" came from the Latin word "Regis" meaning "Royal," while "Santos" is a Latin word meaning "Saints." I can clearly identify the attitudes of Mr. and Mrs. Reyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Santos. Their similarity is the attitude of being in the "highest social class of the society." Rich and powerful, and has high standards in life. They always imply that they had the best in the city while others in the neighborhoods are just some lowly citizens. Saints are like gods, highly respected, people should not oppress the power. Do you ever notice that Mr. and Mrs. Santos are a bit disgusted to Mr. and Mrs. Reyes? The situation is like having a war between gods and kings. Also, almost at the end of the play, did you notice that Mr. and Mrs. Reyes switched places with Mr. and Mrs. Santos? It's like the kings are the ruler of the world, treated as "gods." What kind of irony where having this? Quite funny to think that they suddenly switch places. And I also cant believe I thought it this deep.

                       Third, the different stories of the Hepe and Mr. Santos and other grapevines of the two couples and Hepe. I find Mrs. Santos' story, "Ang Bulaklak" too obsurd since it's all about infatuation. What caught my attention is that the story of Mr. Santos' "Ang Ahas at Ang Aso." Now this is a good reflection to reality. What I observed to this story that this is a situation between a trickster and an innocent person. If you keenly listen to the story of the story, the snake is just using the dog for pleasures. Why would he kill the dog if he doesn't have temptations and greed up his sleeves? Another thing, from the random neighborhood stories of the two couples did you notice that they took a big deal to an useless story? It irritates me to be honest. This is one of the nature of Filipino neighborhood. One useless thing gradually became a "big issue to the society." Cool story bro. Let's pretend I understood all of them.

                       Lastly, why is it called "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo" anyway?. I seriously though that the main character is literally a bald father, but no. After thinking deep and getting some of the hidden message to the absurd play, the reason why it is called "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo" is that what they're referring "father" is the innocence of the person. Free from negativity from other people, has a sincere heart, avoids all the false statements from other cold-hearted, and selfish people. And why is it bald? People shaved all those good perspective that the father had. Selfish people shaved his smooth hair. The hair shows the optimism of the person even though he had this bitterness to the scalp. The baldness reveals humiliation, discrimination, and the alike. That's reality, we get shaved by people with their selfishness.
                      That's all I can think of. I really can't believe that I though of this deep but since it reflected me a lot even though its an absurd play it really helped me realize few things about the reality in the Philippines. That's all. *bow*


The Link of the Playlist:



Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog #4: The Chronicles of Ensaymada (All About Heneral Luna)

I got addicted to the movie "Heneral Luna" because of the powerful message that it brings to the Filipino nation.

                          I saw this article in Facebook that the director's intention is to give a strong message to the Filipinos and to lift up the spirit of nationalism within. I am really impressed with the director and good news, it reached P200M (and counting) in just four weeks! Can you feel the patriotic air in the Philippines in just one movie? It's also nominated as "Best Foreign Film!" How incredible is that! It's even required to students to watch this movie, and it was a brilliant idea. It helps the students to learn briefly about the history of the Philippines during the American-Filipino war, moreover, the dark stench of the government way back in that time. Besides "fan girling" over Rusca and Del Pilar in the movie, the main character, Heneral Luna, shows the true definition of nationalism. You see, for me, there is a BIG difference between nationalism and patriotism. Nationalism shows your true love for the country. You are ready to give up your life for the development of your country, while patriotism implies that you love your country, and that's that. Let me give you my view on the movie: "Heneral Luna."

                          "A Lunatic War Freak," "General "Article One" ", and "The Greatest General of the Army." That's what people mostly describe to Heneral Luna. For me, he's one of the national heroes of the beloved Pearl of the Orient. Call him a lunatic, he's just doing his job as a general and as a concerned citizen of the endangered country. Almost everyone in the movie hated Luna's attitude. The flared temper, the strictness, and "over disciplined" attitude that people hated to him, thinking that he's overusing his power as a general. Yes, let's think of that way, but at least he though of fighting to the Americans rather than to drop down, surrender, and give up yourself to the Americans. He's a very wise man, well educated, and I am quite disappointed that people think of him as a threat. I admire his tactics to drive away the Americans during the war, service for the love of his country, and how he cared and handled his army. Give promotions for the worthy, demote or remove from the position for the worthless. All he wanted is the people to cooperate with him, but what mostly happened? They ignored him and they just simply do what they please. You know what's worst? Secret assassination of Heneral Luna, a set up of the President Emilio Aguinaldo. Yes, the president had a grudge on Luna after the middle part of the movie. I don't even know why the president have this kind of mindset to even give a secret assassination to the greatest general of the Philippines? Is it the overuse of the power as an Army general, is it the  unnecessary demotion, arrest, or dismissal of officials, or is it that our president had enough problems to take, he just had to kill Luna? Who knows what he had in mind.

                              I also started thinking deep to this movie. I asked myself "What if these situation in the movie related to the situation today?" Indeed, it is somewhat connected. I'll give you an example: In the movie, there is this part that the army of general Luna is trying to ride the train, but that train is filled with people who wanted to have a relaxing vacation even if it's the midst of war. The people didn't care about the army, all they care is about their lovely vacation. This is related to our situation today. What is that situation you ask? We citizens love AlDub or Pastillas Girl or whatever trending to the showbiz. We are in a bliss in these trends, but are we not concern about our supposed claimed territories that will give help to the development of our country? Do we even try to care for the poor, the captive citizens, the soldiers who served for the country, the corruption happening in our country, or even the upcoming threats that we will someday meet? I guess not, and probably 5% will. Quite shameful.

                                Beside having some touch of comedy to ease the serious and grudging aura of the movie and having some few handsome characters in the movie (especially Rusca and Del Pilar), the movie wants to point at you and say "Hey, hear me out! Wake up young one! Your country is endangered until now! See the dark shadows of the government, the need of our army, and most of all your love in our country." What about you, what do you think about the movie?



P.S.: Have a dose of Heneral Luna Memes

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blog# 3 :Philippine Literature 1 Activities

Hail the Philippine Literature, Hail the Filipino Spirit!


                       The Philippine Literature subject needs to be hold dearly since I am a Filipino and I am a proud Filipino and I need this subject! I've been really curious what's in the nutshell of my subject. Besides learning some few things, let me give you some activities we've done soo far!

Activity I - Heneral Luna Role Play

                       Yes, role play, and I played as Pedro Paterno (wait what?). It was a really fun experience. Me, a role as a guy and somewhat of an antagonist in the movie. During practice, I admit it was a chaos and people are like really carefree. People are shouting here and there, roles here and there, what to do here and there, here and there to the infinite power.  but at the end, we managed to pull off a good role play. After that activity, it gave me the hype to watch Heneral Luna all over again.

Activity II - Mi Ultimo Adios Recital (In English)

                        "What the actual fudge." The first sentence that came up to me silently when my teacher suddenly spoke in Spanish. My jaws drops, my ears slowly deafened, and my brain slowly walking out of the building. "No! Focus!" I told myself. When my teacher assigned 14 students to read the Mi Ultimo Adios (Spanish version) out loud to us, I tried to focus, but my mind suddenly went blank and I caught myself staring at people with a face of "The fudge." written all over me.

                        "Finally, something understandable." I told myself when my teacher gave us something to do. When she told us to do something like a speech choir on the given piece, it suddenly gave me a good flash back during my first term. We're second place in the speech choir and I was happy. Anyway, after going to the designated practice room, the room is overwhelmed with silence at first. I spoke up first what to do, then next person, then one after another until we finished the designation of lines to each person. After the practice, we did a pretty good job on the activity, and I have to admit, it was really enjoyable.

Activity III - Poem out of a drawing

                      "What kind of image I'll draw out of a poem." Yeah. Creating an image out of a poem was my problem. I had no idea why, I swear. I've been drawing things, from famous characters, to random doodles, and I'm having a problem drawing an image. It was really embarrassing for myself to have this problem. I made a house. Yes a house. A drunk house who's roof is a bit slanted. At least I did it. Yay?

Activity IV - Take the lines from an audio poem

                      One word. "Hard." Geez, did you know, my paper is full of erasures and messed up writing? Yes it's that difficult, especially when the audio is not that good. You can hear some cracked up words or sometimes the poem is too short, I go like "That was it?!" Annoying, but it was really challenging. It helps me boost up my focus. Yay me, I guess.

Activity V - Origami

                      Yup, the Japanese art of paper folding. We made a frog and a crane. I finished the frog, but the crane I didn't made it in time. I was crying because I felt this depression that my friends left me alone. I promised to myself that I'll give the crane to my teacher. And I did, and I feel proud about it. I even left a note, a sign of thanking her for being with me.

Activity VI - Tanaga

                          Filipino Haiku to be exact. I was really inspired by my favorite rhythm game, Deemo, with such awesome background picture. I took the inspiration from the song Paper Plane's Adventure by my favorite composer V. K. (Vanros Kloud) I'm quite proud with my work.

Activity VI - Desire

                           At first I thought it was a different kind of desire. Like eating a lot of food and such. But when I saw it's about the beauty of the woman (specifically the body.) I was a bit irritated because it somehow relates to men who seek these things. But what I really enjoyed to this activity is that I'm in 7th place. Hey, it's worth it.

Activity VII - Dead Stars

                             Poetically, these stars are dead for they are forgotten and alone, but never disappeared. They will remain on the heavens. Just like the desires of a man named Alfredo Salazar. At least this is better than watching a Filipino movie called "A Love Story." Hey, it's my taste. Don't judge.

Get updated on the activities that will be post if there are any activities that will be given to us by our teacher!


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blog # 2: Working Shifts

I work in my grandmother's convenience store or in Filipino "sari-sari store."

Afternoon and evening shifts seems to be boring. Either having a lot of customers, or having few or no customers at all.

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             Well, what's good in working in my grandma's store, I get to know different kinds of people. Foreigner, local, young, old, employees, soldiers, pilots, seamen, etc. You can get to know the regulars and say "Hey! How are you? What are you going to buy for today?" Then have an unexpected long conversation.

                  Let's spice thing up a notch! You see, there are times that I get really bored in our store. Call me crazy, here are the list that I usually do when I get really bored:

1. I smell each and every bottled colognes. (Fiona, Lewis and Pearl, Daily Scents, Johnson's Baby Cologne etc.)
2. I smell each and every bar soaps. (Safe guard, C.Y. Gabriella , Heno de Pravia, Silka, Likas, Dove, Sulfur soap, etc.)
3. I pick up candies, chocolate, biscuits, or any munchies! (as long as I ask permission to my grandma!)
4. I try to remove the air bubbles of the bottled hair gels (by pushing the gel out without spilling)
5. I look at the story books (there is one story book that I saw and it's called "And Isda na si Meno" [The fish named Meno] with a picture of Nemo with his dad.)
6.I look at the stickers (there is one sticker, a Ben10 sticker. Gwen is pregnant and she is wrapped in Ben's arms. *intense shiver*)
7. I play with my uncle's cats and new born kittens (I use this straw so they can nibble and scratch it.)
8. I look at the neighbor's chess game with different people (did you know they always stay up and end the chess game around 2 or 3 A.M.?)
9. When customers wants to test the pen for them, I tend to draw one by one. (Yes, creative, effective, and time waster)
10. Have a conversation with my grandmother, aunt/s, or even my grandma's maid.

                 Giving to people what they need is a must because that's were the money goes, but there are times that you will go like this image above this paragraph when you suddenly don't understand what they really need. Here are the list that I can recall what the customer's say when the buy, and suddenly misunderstood what they want:

1. " Pabili ng kopiko, yung nescafe" (or vice versa)
2. "Pabili nga tide, yung ariel"  (or vice versa)
3. "Pabili ng Jonhson's, yung Lewis and Pearl" (or vice versa)
4. "Pabili ng EQ, yung pampers" (or vice versa)
5. "Pabili ng champion, yung downy" (refers to fabric conditioner ; or vice versa)
Here's my favorite...
6. "Ate, may nagtitinda po ba kayo ng electric fan?"

              Being in my grandma's store is nice. The bliss of seeing people's smile in their faces as they received their purchased items, or even get to meet new people on the block.


Thank for reading my fluffy steed! Onward my fluffies!


Blog #1 : Into The Deep Soft Story! (A Self-Introductory Blog)


              Welcome my fluffy steed! I bet you’re here some random thingamagigs that you can see in my blog of the day! I just want you to sit back and read patiently with a soothing cup of tea, and let the little fluffy marshmallow tells you a little story about itself!

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                Why marshmallow you ask? The first thing in mind that I call myself a little fluffy marshmallow is that *ehem* I’m chubby that is, and my friends tend to suddenly hug me or hold my hand every time I pass by. Yes, my flab are that soft and squishy to people they turn me into a pillow or teddy bear or whatever comfortable soft objects you can put up in mind. But who is this soft and delicious marshmallow anyway?

                This soft and cute marshmallow is born and raised in Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. I was raised by my father when I was an infant. I met my mother when I was in grade one, why you ask? She came home from work abroad. I never had childhood friends, and my only playmate is my brother. I didn’t have a good childhood up to the end of my grade school years.

                High school and college life is the period of renaissance. In my first year days, that’s where I get to have a first friend, then second to fourth year, I made friends, and those friends are my best friends whom I’ve treated them as a family. It was the best time of the era.

                Enough of the drama! Let’s feel and get to know the marshmallow!

                This marshmallow is: A huggable person, a fun gal, a gamer, a music lover, an anime lover, and a lazy bone.

                I am a true gamer, call me a weaboo, but I’ve been playing games since when I was a kid. Together with my brother, we used to play Battle Realms, Counter Strike, Tantra, Ran, League of Legends, DotA, Elsword and more. Gaming is my own vice in life. I sometimes imagine myself what am I now without gaming. Am I smarter? Am I active to the activities? Am I sociable to people? I don’t know.. I kind of love it anyway.

                 I am a music lover. Whether it is rock, punk, instrumental, pop, classic, any genre, as long as it matches my taste, I get addicted to it. Music is like my drugs (yes I know it sounds soo wrong.), the sensation gets better when it lasted. Besides, listening to music keeps my troubles away. Takes me to the realm of fantasy and peace.

              I am a huggable person, lazy bones, and a fun person! I am hugable because stated earlier, because I’m chubby. I’m a lazy bone because I tend to do the important things a day before for few minutes before the deadline (yes I cram a lot.) And lastly, I’m a fun person. I do crazy stuff just to make my friends laugh like twerking in the stairs (I did this, it was my embarrassing moment.) and I tell jokes that will certainly make my friends laugh their socks off.

End of story time! Thank you for reading this fluffy marshmallow's story.


Dance  Party!!!