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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blog# 3 :Philippine Literature 1 Activities

Hail the Philippine Literature, Hail the Filipino Spirit!


                       The Philippine Literature subject needs to be hold dearly since I am a Filipino and I am a proud Filipino and I need this subject! I've been really curious what's in the nutshell of my subject. Besides learning some few things, let me give you some activities we've done soo far!

Activity I - Heneral Luna Role Play

                       Yes, role play, and I played as Pedro Paterno (wait what?). It was a really fun experience. Me, a role as a guy and somewhat of an antagonist in the movie. During practice, I admit it was a chaos and people are like really carefree. People are shouting here and there, roles here and there, what to do here and there, here and there to the infinite power.  but at the end, we managed to pull off a good role play. After that activity, it gave me the hype to watch Heneral Luna all over again.

Activity II - Mi Ultimo Adios Recital (In English)

                        "What the actual fudge." The first sentence that came up to me silently when my teacher suddenly spoke in Spanish. My jaws drops, my ears slowly deafened, and my brain slowly walking out of the building. "No! Focus!" I told myself. When my teacher assigned 14 students to read the Mi Ultimo Adios (Spanish version) out loud to us, I tried to focus, but my mind suddenly went blank and I caught myself staring at people with a face of "The fudge." written all over me.

                        "Finally, something understandable." I told myself when my teacher gave us something to do. When she told us to do something like a speech choir on the given piece, it suddenly gave me a good flash back during my first term. We're second place in the speech choir and I was happy. Anyway, after going to the designated practice room, the room is overwhelmed with silence at first. I spoke up first what to do, then next person, then one after another until we finished the designation of lines to each person. After the practice, we did a pretty good job on the activity, and I have to admit, it was really enjoyable.

Activity III - Poem out of a drawing

                      "What kind of image I'll draw out of a poem." Yeah. Creating an image out of a poem was my problem. I had no idea why, I swear. I've been drawing things, from famous characters, to random doodles, and I'm having a problem drawing an image. It was really embarrassing for myself to have this problem. I made a house. Yes a house. A drunk house who's roof is a bit slanted. At least I did it. Yay?

Activity IV - Take the lines from an audio poem

                      One word. "Hard." Geez, did you know, my paper is full of erasures and messed up writing? Yes it's that difficult, especially when the audio is not that good. You can hear some cracked up words or sometimes the poem is too short, I go like "That was it?!" Annoying, but it was really challenging. It helps me boost up my focus. Yay me, I guess.

Activity V - Origami

                      Yup, the Japanese art of paper folding. We made a frog and a crane. I finished the frog, but the crane I didn't made it in time. I was crying because I felt this depression that my friends left me alone. I promised to myself that I'll give the crane to my teacher. And I did, and I feel proud about it. I even left a note, a sign of thanking her for being with me.

Activity VI - Tanaga

                          Filipino Haiku to be exact. I was really inspired by my favorite rhythm game, Deemo, with such awesome background picture. I took the inspiration from the song Paper Plane's Adventure by my favorite composer V. K. (Vanros Kloud) I'm quite proud with my work.

Activity VI - Desire

                           At first I thought it was a different kind of desire. Like eating a lot of food and such. But when I saw it's about the beauty of the woman (specifically the body.) I was a bit irritated because it somehow relates to men who seek these things. But what I really enjoyed to this activity is that I'm in 7th place. Hey, it's worth it.

Activity VII - Dead Stars

                             Poetically, these stars are dead for they are forgotten and alone, but never disappeared. They will remain on the heavens. Just like the desires of a man named Alfredo Salazar. At least this is better than watching a Filipino movie called "A Love Story." Hey, it's my taste. Don't judge.

Get updated on the activities that will be post if there are any activities that will be given to us by our teacher!
