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Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog #4: The Chronicles of Ensaymada (All About Heneral Luna)

I got addicted to the movie "Heneral Luna" because of the powerful message that it brings to the Filipino nation.

                          I saw this article in Facebook that the director's intention is to give a strong message to the Filipinos and to lift up the spirit of nationalism within. I am really impressed with the director and good news, it reached P200M (and counting) in just four weeks! Can you feel the patriotic air in the Philippines in just one movie? It's also nominated as "Best Foreign Film!" How incredible is that! It's even required to students to watch this movie, and it was a brilliant idea. It helps the students to learn briefly about the history of the Philippines during the American-Filipino war, moreover, the dark stench of the government way back in that time. Besides "fan girling" over Rusca and Del Pilar in the movie, the main character, Heneral Luna, shows the true definition of nationalism. You see, for me, there is a BIG difference between nationalism and patriotism. Nationalism shows your true love for the country. You are ready to give up your life for the development of your country, while patriotism implies that you love your country, and that's that. Let me give you my view on the movie: "Heneral Luna."

                          "A Lunatic War Freak," "General "Article One" ", and "The Greatest General of the Army." That's what people mostly describe to Heneral Luna. For me, he's one of the national heroes of the beloved Pearl of the Orient. Call him a lunatic, he's just doing his job as a general and as a concerned citizen of the endangered country. Almost everyone in the movie hated Luna's attitude. The flared temper, the strictness, and "over disciplined" attitude that people hated to him, thinking that he's overusing his power as a general. Yes, let's think of that way, but at least he though of fighting to the Americans rather than to drop down, surrender, and give up yourself to the Americans. He's a very wise man, well educated, and I am quite disappointed that people think of him as a threat. I admire his tactics to drive away the Americans during the war, service for the love of his country, and how he cared and handled his army. Give promotions for the worthy, demote or remove from the position for the worthless. All he wanted is the people to cooperate with him, but what mostly happened? They ignored him and they just simply do what they please. You know what's worst? Secret assassination of Heneral Luna, a set up of the President Emilio Aguinaldo. Yes, the president had a grudge on Luna after the middle part of the movie. I don't even know why the president have this kind of mindset to even give a secret assassination to the greatest general of the Philippines? Is it the overuse of the power as an Army general, is it the  unnecessary demotion, arrest, or dismissal of officials, or is it that our president had enough problems to take, he just had to kill Luna? Who knows what he had in mind.

                              I also started thinking deep to this movie. I asked myself "What if these situation in the movie related to the situation today?" Indeed, it is somewhat connected. I'll give you an example: In the movie, there is this part that the army of general Luna is trying to ride the train, but that train is filled with people who wanted to have a relaxing vacation even if it's the midst of war. The people didn't care about the army, all they care is about their lovely vacation. This is related to our situation today. What is that situation you ask? We citizens love AlDub or Pastillas Girl or whatever trending to the showbiz. We are in a bliss in these trends, but are we not concern about our supposed claimed territories that will give help to the development of our country? Do we even try to care for the poor, the captive citizens, the soldiers who served for the country, the corruption happening in our country, or even the upcoming threats that we will someday meet? I guess not, and probably 5% will. Quite shameful.

                                Beside having some touch of comedy to ease the serious and grudging aura of the movie and having some few handsome characters in the movie (especially Rusca and Del Pilar), the movie wants to point at you and say "Hey, hear me out! Wake up young one! Your country is endangered until now! See the dark shadows of the government, the need of our army, and most of all your love in our country." What about you, what do you think about the movie?



P.S.: Have a dose of Heneral Luna Memes

1 comment:

  1. Today Oct. 29, 2015, I plan to read all the posts on Heneral Luna in commemoration of his 149th birthday. Happy Birthday, Heneral! The memes you posted are great. :-)
