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Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog # 10 : Inhale, Exhale

I admit. I'm a smoker. A second-hand smoker.
To be really honest, I didn't attend the anti-smoking campaign. I'm going to put my opinions about smoking.

                    And probably you guys know what a second-hand smoke is. If you don't, here's a simple explanation: Inhaling smoker's smoke. You're not smoking the smoker's cigar. Why you ask? Imagine, you're talking or even eating beside that person, he/she will just puff the smoke beside you, but not directly of course. And it also happen almost everyday. You always see the same person puffing. Nearly impossible to avoid inhaling the smoker's smoke. But aren't you feeling worried to the person?

                  I understand why people smoke. To get away with problems. To relieve the stress. I know it sounds really vague but you have to understand. Besides understanding, you have to warn. We all got concerns, especially if your loved ones are the ones who smokes a lot.

                Yes. I am very aware the consequences in smoking that even second-hand smokers can have an equal or more than the consequences than the first-hand smokers (the one who really smokes.) I'm also afraid that my dad may die due to lung cancer. I want to point out for those who started smoking and who continued chain smoking to stop this kind of habit. You know the risks, why want it to happen early? You're just wasting your money just for a pack of cigarettes rather than to save it for your future. Think about it. Think large. Don't stress yourself and smoke it away. You'll pay twice or twice on your hospital bills rather than your one month supply of cigarettes.

                    For the ladies and gents who smokes a lot, stop. Just stop. Please. It's for your health not mine. Would you want to risk yourself just because of a petty problem? Or you just wanted it to make it worse without even noticing it. You don't want to end up in a hospital bed, would you?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow yeah! we do have the same title. but yours is way better than mine carol! great job. would like to learn from you haha. please do share some of your talents!

  3. Woah Carol, I didn't expect those things from you. Keep on being strong for your dad. Great advice, too :)
