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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog # 6: An Open Letter for the Layered (This is not a negative Letter)

Dear Ching,

                  I know you're feeling lonely because people don't want to be near with your weirdness and uncanny lust for food. I know you're feeling confused because your other friends tend to despise behind your back and leave you alone for the sake of being "cool." I know you're bashful when it comes to people around you, the feeling you are not belong. Anxiety and depression rolled into you every time the crowd would stare into your soul and almost telling you to get out of the society. Hear me out, young one! I have the same feelings with you up until now. You are not alone. You are different, and that what's make you special.

                    I know you're giving your effort to gain friends, to be a good person to everyone, to avoid people from criticizing you, and more importantly, to understand who you are. They should know that we thick-skinned people have a thin layer of heart. People should see through what and why have we become. Yes, they can tell that we're unaware of ourselves in terms of health and lifestyle, what do they know about us to discriminate us? This is the sad truth ladies and gentlemen. People are too cold to understand not only we thick-skinned people, but for to the other races and color.

                  Let me tell you a little story. When I was in grade school, the whole years compose nothing but depression. Why? People don't like me. I tried to be very nice to them and look what they told me at the end? "You're doing this because you're just a fool and we'll just use you anyway you weirdo." This is the moment I did not forget, so I told myself this: "I swear to God when I'm going to my high school and college years, you'll be soo sorry!" I tried going near to people, show what I can do, and for the very first time I had a friend, and we're best friends up until you know it. I started gaining new friends, learning new cultures, respecting strangers, understanding the losers, and inspiring the weak. Even though there are times that people left me alone and I cry silently, I told myself this afterwards: "Don't worry, I'll be a better person tomorrow."

                  NEVER LET THE PEOPLE STRANGLE YOU FROM WHO YOU ARE! Who cares if someone said to you that "You are what you eat," or "You'll going to have a bad future with that size!" You are the master of your own fate and the captain of your soul, and you can do whatever it takes to take them down and prove that you are you, the better you, the smarter you, the kinder you, and most importantly, the more awesome you! Never let people pull you out of your dreams! Who are they to judge us? Keep in mind that they're just finding a way to get a full attention to the audience and feel like they're soo cool and perfect. Keep in mind that we're all different and we should respect that difference. And also, keep in mind that God treated us equally so we should love everyone no matter who we are.

                     Ching, I hope you're alright now. I hope you're inspired. What are you waiting for? Make a change! I'll see you in the happy life!

Taba (Fat)


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