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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blog #1 : Into The Deep Soft Story! (A Self-Introductory Blog)


              Welcome my fluffy steed! I bet you’re here some random thingamagigs that you can see in my blog of the day! I just want you to sit back and read patiently with a soothing cup of tea, and let the little fluffy marshmallow tells you a little story about itself!

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                Why marshmallow you ask? The first thing in mind that I call myself a little fluffy marshmallow is that *ehem* I’m chubby that is, and my friends tend to suddenly hug me or hold my hand every time I pass by. Yes, my flab are that soft and squishy to people they turn me into a pillow or teddy bear or whatever comfortable soft objects you can put up in mind. But who is this soft and delicious marshmallow anyway?

                This soft and cute marshmallow is born and raised in Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. I was raised by my father when I was an infant. I met my mother when I was in grade one, why you ask? She came home from work abroad. I never had childhood friends, and my only playmate is my brother. I didn’t have a good childhood up to the end of my grade school years.

                High school and college life is the period of renaissance. In my first year days, that’s where I get to have a first friend, then second to fourth year, I made friends, and those friends are my best friends whom I’ve treated them as a family. It was the best time of the era.

                Enough of the drama! Let’s feel and get to know the marshmallow!

                This marshmallow is: A huggable person, a fun gal, a gamer, a music lover, an anime lover, and a lazy bone.

                I am a true gamer, call me a weaboo, but I’ve been playing games since when I was a kid. Together with my brother, we used to play Battle Realms, Counter Strike, Tantra, Ran, League of Legends, DotA, Elsword and more. Gaming is my own vice in life. I sometimes imagine myself what am I now without gaming. Am I smarter? Am I active to the activities? Am I sociable to people? I don’t know.. I kind of love it anyway.

                 I am a music lover. Whether it is rock, punk, instrumental, pop, classic, any genre, as long as it matches my taste, I get addicted to it. Music is like my drugs (yes I know it sounds soo wrong.), the sensation gets better when it lasted. Besides, listening to music keeps my troubles away. Takes me to the realm of fantasy and peace.

              I am a huggable person, lazy bones, and a fun person! I am hugable because stated earlier, because I’m chubby. I’m a lazy bone because I tend to do the important things a day before for few minutes before the deadline (yes I cram a lot.) And lastly, I’m a fun person. I do crazy stuff just to make my friends laugh like twerking in the stairs (I did this, it was my embarrassing moment.) and I tell jokes that will certainly make my friends laugh their socks off.

End of story time! Thank you for reading this fluffy marshmallow's story.


Dance  Party!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I was actually surprised that you were a gamer. To be honest, you don't look really look like a gamer from the outside. Hehe. :)))
