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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blog # 2: Working Shifts

I work in my grandmother's convenience store or in Filipino "sari-sari store."

Afternoon and evening shifts seems to be boring. Either having a lot of customers, or having few or no customers at all.

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             Well, what's good in working in my grandma's store, I get to know different kinds of people. Foreigner, local, young, old, employees, soldiers, pilots, seamen, etc. You can get to know the regulars and say "Hey! How are you? What are you going to buy for today?" Then have an unexpected long conversation.

                  Let's spice thing up a notch! You see, there are times that I get really bored in our store. Call me crazy, here are the list that I usually do when I get really bored:

1. I smell each and every bottled colognes. (Fiona, Lewis and Pearl, Daily Scents, Johnson's Baby Cologne etc.)
2. I smell each and every bar soaps. (Safe guard, C.Y. Gabriella , Heno de Pravia, Silka, Likas, Dove, Sulfur soap, etc.)
3. I pick up candies, chocolate, biscuits, or any munchies! (as long as I ask permission to my grandma!)
4. I try to remove the air bubbles of the bottled hair gels (by pushing the gel out without spilling)
5. I look at the story books (there is one story book that I saw and it's called "And Isda na si Meno" [The fish named Meno] with a picture of Nemo with his dad.)
6.I look at the stickers (there is one sticker, a Ben10 sticker. Gwen is pregnant and she is wrapped in Ben's arms. *intense shiver*)
7. I play with my uncle's cats and new born kittens (I use this straw so they can nibble and scratch it.)
8. I look at the neighbor's chess game with different people (did you know they always stay up and end the chess game around 2 or 3 A.M.?)
9. When customers wants to test the pen for them, I tend to draw one by one. (Yes, creative, effective, and time waster)
10. Have a conversation with my grandmother, aunt/s, or even my grandma's maid.

                 Giving to people what they need is a must because that's were the money goes, but there are times that you will go like this image above this paragraph when you suddenly don't understand what they really need. Here are the list that I can recall what the customer's say when the buy, and suddenly misunderstood what they want:

1. " Pabili ng kopiko, yung nescafe" (or vice versa)
2. "Pabili nga tide, yung ariel"  (or vice versa)
3. "Pabili ng Jonhson's, yung Lewis and Pearl" (or vice versa)
4. "Pabili ng EQ, yung pampers" (or vice versa)
5. "Pabili ng champion, yung downy" (refers to fabric conditioner ; or vice versa)
Here's my favorite...
6. "Ate, may nagtitinda po ba kayo ng electric fan?"

              Being in my grandma's store is nice. The bliss of seeing people's smile in their faces as they received their purchased items, or even get to meet new people on the block.


Thank for reading my fluffy steed! Onward my fluffies!


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