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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog # 8:Twisted Fate (All About Parasyte - the Maxim - : Live Action Movie)

An anime turned into a live action movie!
            I was quite happy and excited when my teacher in English Enhancement Program I (the same teacher I had in Philippine Literature I) got the live action movie of Parasyte - the Maxim - ! I haven't watched the anime in full yet but I bet the movie itself gave me such spoilers and all. Doesn't matter, at least it got me good!

                An ordinary boy with an ordinary life with such extraordinary parasite that made the rest of his life... Extraordinary. Meet Shinichi Izumi, an ordinary school boy, with a parasite as his partner. Crazy right? How do I start this? There was a "something" landed on the waters of Japan. Infestations of this extraterrestrial parasite crawling all over Japan. What's weird and interesting to this certain parasite is that they really have an objective, and that is to manipulate a person by eating the host's brain and basically take over the world. But wait, in this picture, there is a weird alienated hand in him? What the fudge happen? The parasite didn't enter in his brain. Just his hand. That's where his screwed adventure begins.

               Miraculously, this parasite seems to give no harm. Instead, he's given such strength. Unlike other people, who's been affected by the parasite, are acting like a crazed zombie. Also, these parasites are fast learners! These things are quite interesting you know. Besides being a fast learner, they're somehow brutal. They would just simply kill a person just for food. Ugh. Disgusting to look at. Really into gore.

             Would you imagine, just a parasite, would change your life? It turns you into a different person. You became a bit cold to others, a bit straight forward, and a bit of... Different. You're not who you are anymore. But you know what you're doing. You want to eliminate other people who are infected by that parasite with the help of your parasite. Crazy yet very meaningful. Tells about life. Life is short. Simple as that.


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