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Friday, October 16, 2015

Blog # 7: Fated to Love You (All about the Movie : "Turn Left, Turn Right")

Destiny awaits!
                    As said by majority, "Love can wait." and this movie proves it all! Imagine, that your fated someone is just around the corner, and almost everywhere you go, you get to be with him but only unconsciously? Truly, love is in the air! A story of fate, faith, jealously, destiny, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

                      The musician and the journalist reunited at a small pond where the journalist's translated poem was blown away and landed on the water. The musician saw it helped the journalist collect the paper. Then they started having this conversation that gave both of them got the coincidence. They asked each other's number, and forever exist! They are fated to love each other! But what kind of conflict awaits them?

                     When both of them suffer the symptoms of pneumonia, they both ordered the same dish at the same restaurant. The waitress gave their orders, and the girl suddenly fell in love with the musician. The waitress does her best to avoid the journalist to meet the musician once more. When the musician called for a hospital rescue, the rescue took the journalist instead. When the journalist's doctor inspected her, the doctor remembered her in a foreign language class. He said that he had his love at first sight in the first crazy day. Both the doctor and the waitress tries to avoid the two to meet after they knew that the journalist and the musician are destined to be each other.

                        When the doctor and the waitress send a package of picture for both journalist and musician, they're betting if they the two couples would return to them, then they are not fated for each other. As the journalist got an job to an international press, and the musician got the spot for an international orchestra. When they will try to repeat the number that were given to them, they exchanged calls, they finally answered but only via recorder. After hearing the recorder, they went out to see each other. At the end, they saw each other and got married. Horray!

                       You see, there really is forever! No bitterness shall overwhelm to the power of love! Someday, you might meet that special someone of yours!


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